Perception it’s a Mind Game

Perceptions, don’t let them keep you from Archiving your Goals.   The inside sales staff perception of the world is controlled by their communication limitations.   Tethered to a phone, computer, and the surrounding equipment they struggle to achieve goals set by management.  Many will seek to reach the goals while others fall short and blame […]

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The Yin and Yang of Positive Images

Positive Images creates Winning Results I know doing standing side-lunges are good to build core strength and works the legs, but it is the one part of my daily workout I just want to fast-forward through. Organizing the basement is tedious and not fun or as my son would say when cleaning up his room […]

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Annoying Me to Take Action

Little things in life we will put off until they annoy the _______ out of us, and then we correct the problem. The other day I was working in the yard and rock worked its way into my shoe.  I procrastinated and opted to do the famous shoe tap trick.  I would tap the tip […]

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They’re to Blame

It is easy to find fault in everything and harder to find perfection.  Let us blame something or somebody for failure, but don’t praise the person who worked a little harder to make sure the project was completed.  No blame falls on those who delegate responsibility, but on the manager who has to do the […]

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Short Hours, Big Pay

The dream of making lavish amounts of money is lost when people actually look how people have achieved their wealth. Rock stars spend countless hours practicing and playing at bars that pay nothing, movie stars work multiple jobs before they get their first “real” acting part.  Lawyers, Doctors, and many other professions have invested hundreds, […]

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Don’t apply this

Why attend learning seminars, if you’re not going to apply the knowledge being given? For many people, taking on new ideas is impossible. They are anchored to the ground like a mighty redwood tree resisting the onslaught of Mother Nature, but we are human not trees.  The ability to adapt to your environments is one […]

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See Life a Little Clearer will Increases Your Happiness

The daunting task of driving to and from work can become mind numbing day after day.  If you live in the Midwest, winter days can be overcast and bleak.  We all clamor for a warm day where we can crank-down the driver’s window of the car and just let the breeze whisk past our face.  […]

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How Your Image is Created

Dale Obrochta, an experienced writer, professional corporate entertainer, and motivational speaker is offering businesses an opportunity to learn How to Enhance Your Business through Your Image. If your association or business is interested in scheduling a presentation that Allows your image to gain market shares over your competitors while taking advantage of social marketing. Teaches […]

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Don’t Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will; When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill; When the funds are low, and the debts are high; And you want to smile, but you have to sigh; When care is pressing you down a bit Rest if you must, but don’t you quit. Success is failure […]

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Don’t Stop Me – I’m on a Mission

Don’t let anything stop you from reaching your goals. Music to inspire and an NFL team video that did what they promised along with a touch of Chicago personality. Remember – have fun achieving your goal! No mission is impossible

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