The Past is not the Future

Granddad was a barrel maker at the Chicago Stock Yards; Dad worked at American Can then moved from the factory line to office cubical. Your cubical is more of a mobile command center with multiple software Apps connecting you to clients around the world. The companies that your ancestors have worked at no long exists […]

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Find Your Role and Take Action

Down on the court, the action is intensive, you are happy you arrived early to get a good seat. Focusing all energy on the event you are willing to; ignore your buzzing cell phone, forget the family, empty your mind — nothing is going to distract you from this event.  You look around and you […]

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Social Media Blur

It seems we hunger for more interaction with every social network we join. We grow the network by family, friends, co-workers, clients and people who we’ve just met. Each network is built for a purpose and as their popularity grows, so too are the applications that interconnect these media’s.  Once we mix the communities it […]

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Good Enough for Government Work

Have you personally evaluated your work lately? Would you rank yourself as below average, average, above average, outstanding or good enough for government work? Do you arrive on time, complete projects,  socialize with co-workers, and do what is expected.  This was me when I was younger and when my boss evaluated me I received a […]

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The Motivational Experience

What is The Magical Balloon-dude Dale Motivational Experience? Imagine transforming a boring sales meeting or seminar into a colorful, artistic, and hilarious experience and educating them on how to rejuvenate their image and become more efficient at work and in life.  Create a can do spirit to renew, inspire, improve employees mental outlook and build […]

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