Working with Community Leaders of Mokena

In the upcoming month, I will be working with community leaders in Mokena and helping them to develop a strong brand for any organization.   I will be addressing the Mokena Chamber of Commerce on “How to Enhance Your Brand Through Your Image”. I’m looking forward to meeting new business leaders and  helping them create an […]

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Social Media Affects Your Business Image

Face it; social media is here. Social media is not going away quickly, so with that said, “Is your company addressing the affect it could have on your business or your career?” Learn more about social media in the work place on September 21, 2011 at Gurnee Chamber of Commerce Lunch-N-Learn. RSVP here and save […]

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Keeping Your Promise Improves Your Business Image

Promising Yourself to Failure I promise, I will pass-on your resume I promise, I will help you promote this product I promise, I will stop smoking I promise, that I be home by 6:00 I promise, that I will lose weight I promise, I will come over and help you I promise, I will _____________ […]

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Manage your Reputation

Manage your Image & Reputation using Yelp Do you realize Yelp is a service that allows customers to rank your business and leave a review of their experience has exceeded 15 million reviews?  As a business owner it is critical that you manage your image and reputation and to see what your clients are saying […]

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Not in Hollywood

Drugs, sex scandals, racial smears, indecent exposure and assault charges are all linked to Hollywood stars and yet after all their misgivings they clean up their act and all is forgiven.  Their careers take a little hit, but go right back to their star status symbol.  This is not true for people outside Hollywood in […]

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Music Motivates while Branding Your Image

A catchy song can motivate your fans and make an everlasting impression. The other day I was driving in the car and I heard the song Jump by Van Halen and was instantly transported back in to the 1980’s. I wasn’t thinking about high school, but a company that forever branded its image to a […]

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