Find Your Role and Take Action

Down on the court, the action is intensive, you are happy you arrived early to get a good seat. Focusing all energy on the event you are willing to; ignore your buzzing cell phone, forget the family, empty your mind — nothing is going to distract you from this event.  You look around and you […]

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Motivational Kills

The things that stop you from achieving your goals. Every year millions of people make resolutions to improve and make their life better.  Too often we fail at these because of motivational killers.  What’s a motivational killer you ask?  For years, I wanted to work out and it never failed that as I mentally prepared […]

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Learning to Motivate my Kids

Children love to do what their parents do.  Are your actions motivating your kids to better themselves? Wyatt quickly runs to his weights and lays them down in front of him.  Excitedly, he waits for the action to begin. It starts, and off he goes marching in place with dad, as they workout together. Several […]

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Motivating through Incentives

Getting employees motivated through the proper incentive. I once worked for a company that thought by allowing me to keep a coffee cup sent to me from a vendor as an advertisement giveaway, was a motivation incentive.  I remember the owners wife, the Vice President saying “You got more than me today”.  As I look […]

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